How Much Money Can You Earn In An Online Poker Game?

This is an obvious question that must be hammering on your mind whether you are at a deciding stage or in a continuing stage of playing online Poker game. But, there is no single answer to this single question. The simple reason is that online poker game is ever-evolving and is far from consistency. The following four variables control the outcome of the game:
- Your Win Rate which signifies, how good you are at playing the game
- The frequency of your play which signifies; the more you play, the more possibility you have to win.
- Multi-tabling signifies; more tables leads to playing more hands to yield more money
- Stakes you play signifies, more staking of money will fetch more money in win
A proper mix of the above variables determines how much you can win. To make it more specific, let us take few scenarios in different stakes games. You have a conservative win-rate; you are playing at four tables at a time and winning 6bb per hour from each table. Of course, it is difficult to maintain this conservative rate when you start moving up the levels. Determine for yourself, under which category you fall, depending on the hours you play.
- A Casual player; playing only half an hour a day
- Semi-regular players; playing one hour a day
- A regular player; playing two hours a day
- A Grinder; playing four hours a day
Irrespective of the category of player, in some month, you may win more than your expectation and in some month, less. But, considered over a long run, you can average out. The essence, however, is a balanced mix of your “Patience, Persistence and Perseverance.”You definitely can make a solid income.
If you want to be financially liberated, you need to mind your mindset. Never play with an angry mood or ‘tilt.’ It may prove fatal for you and can turn a winning game into a losing one because you then are prevented from taking a rational decision. Try with various resources that guide you specifically on the psychological concepts involved in the online. To play safe and earn good money, you can play on the Indonesian online Poker game,BandraQ.
There are no single solutions to the titled question because online Poker game is multi-faceted, dynamic and ever-evolving. If you need to make money, keep yourself abreast of what all are happening in the game, by reading the latest strategies, watching training reviews. At the same time, you should constantly keep on reviewing your own game and learning from your mistakes. There are only two persons in the world who never make mistakes; “one is inside the grave,and the other is yet to be born.”